We offer a minimum of 15 hours per week, booked in advance, which can be mix’n’matched (so you can have some morning, some afternoons and some full days, as you prefer, though once hours are booked, they can’t be swapped). All fees are payable monthly in advance. All attendance options are available during term time only OR stretched over 48 weeks of the year.
We accept 15 and 30 Hours funding, please see below for additional services charges.
We offer up to two fully funded, or completely ‘free’ places to children per year. Please CLEARLY state that you are applying for a fully funded place when you apply to us. Places are allocated on first come first served basis. Once these places are filled, you can still use your funding, but will be required to pay an additional services charge. Please ask us for a specific quote. You will only pay these fees for hours that your child attends nursery over their funding entitlement hours. Funded hours attract an ‘additional services charge’ – please see below.
All fees are payable in full (including Bank Holidays when we are shut) regardless of a child’s absence due to sickness, family holidays, or your own choice.